Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hello all. This is just going to be a short entry to let you know (in re the post below) about our gift registry. The website is www.smallislandtrader.com/bronwyn&leopold.
If you feel the need to shop for us, this will give you some options.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

So, besides the wedding, what are we up to?

Hello Everyone,

While talking to our upstairs neighbour about our blog it struck me that besides our wedding, there really isn't that much information about Leopold and me on the blog. So, in order to remedy that here is the quick update of what we are both up to.

We moved to Fredericton in September 2006 from Edmonton, Alberta. We moved out here because I started law school at the University of New Brunswick. The law school here is very well known, and very established and this year it was rated the second best law school in Canada. Although I had taken several years off from my studies I quickly adjusted to the busy and challenging routine of law school, and I know that this was the right decision. I just finished my first year, and at this point I am most interested in Constitutional law and human rights and Charter issues. But, I still have two more years left, so we will see what the future brings.

Before we had moved to Fredericton, Leopold had made contact with a private art gallery out here - Gallery 78 - and so once we arrived he went in, and they immediately fell in love with him and asked him to join the gallery. The gallery is the oldest private gallery in Fredericton, and it is run by a mother and daughter. They have been very wonderful to Leopold and me, and we feel like we have become a part of their family! Leopold does a variety of things at the gallery, from setting up for openings, to taking care of the artists, to writing biographies of the artists and much more. He is enjoying the interaction with so many interesting people, and he looks forward to the opportunities to come.

We are both enjoying living out in the maritimes, Fredericton is a very beautiful city, and the people out here are incredibly nice. However, there are times when we miss the sights and sounds of larger cities, as Fredericton is very small and lacking in a few areas.

So that is a quick update of our lives! We look forward to seeing you all at the wedding.
xo B & L

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The next stage is underway

Well now, we've made it this far and so, despite the fear of practicalities overwhelming the whole laid-back vibe of the thing, we have details to reveal.
As you can see from the card the wedding is at

3pm on Friday July 27th 2007 at Inglewood Christian Reformed Church in Edmonton
and the reception follows (almost immediately) at

The Deville Hall
which is pleasantly in the middle of nowhere (though 30 minutes from downtown.)

Gift Comments: It's probably silly to say "if you got an invitation your presence is the only present we need" (though if you didn't and you're going to crash please bring something very expensive.) However, in all sincerity, we realise that this sort of thing can get out of hand so please be sensible.
That having been said, we have put together a modest registry on a website that will be responsible for delivering everything to our Fredericton address. We have picked these items sincerely and they are things we would like to help us build our home. But, if you would prefer not to buy from the registry please keep in mind that although the wedding is in Edmonton we live in Fredericton 4,800 km (and 2 flights) away.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Flights from Brtiain

Hey Everybody,
For those of you who are travelling from Britain there are a few airlines that have direct flights from London or Glasgow to Edmonton, and the flights are pretty cheap. The two main ones are Zoom Airlines and Canadian Affair. Martinair also has direct flights from Amsterdam for very reasonable prices, and there is of course Air Canada.

Let us know if you have any questions!
xo Leopold & Bronwyn

Thursday, January 18, 2007

We're getting married!

Welcome to our blog!
The first order of business is to notify all of you that our wedding is on

July 27, 2007
and it will be held in

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

We will be posting our wedding information here over the next few months so stay tuned and get excited. ...